When I adopted my first cat from the Humane Society of New York, the first thing I did was ask if they had any declawed cats. I didn't really think there was anything wrong with declawing cats at that time. After all, you just put the cat out, pull out its claws, and allow a few days for it to heal. I had no idea what declawing really meant. The adoption counselor at the Humane Society told me there were many declawed cats but that I would not want them because they all had behavioral problems. She never said that these behavioral problems could be the result of declawing. Having done much reading on the matter, I believe that behavioral problems such as biting and not using the litter box are the result of the declawing. I am not going to go into the matter of declawing because the articles listed below are the best I have seen and can get the point across much better than I ever could. I urge you to visit these sites and read this material. I know that you will find these articles very enlightening and hopefully we can save cats' toes one owner at a time.
Also, at the bottom of this page is our "Catlovers Against Declawing Webring". If you have a home page, you can proudly show your support by joining this ring or the other anti-declawing webring right below our ring.
When you have finished reading these articles, please hit the back button to return to our home page.

Stop Your Cat From Scratching Your Furniture Without Declawing
Amby's Declawing Cats: Issues and Alternatives
Paws Come With Claws ... That's One Of Nature's Laws
Declawing Cats: Making a Humane Decision
Claws and All (The Humane Society of the United States)
About Declawing Cats
If You Love Your Cat, Don't Declaw!"
So You're Thinking Of Getting Your Cat Declawed - words from a veterinary technician
Photographs of Declawing Procedure
Declawing Cats: Manicure or Mutilation?
Is Declawing Cruel?
The Association of Veterinarians For Animal Rights
Tidy Cat: Declawing -- Pros & Cons
Cats And Scratching
About Declawing Your Cat
CFA Health Committee: Declawing of Cats: CFA Guidance Statement
Help!!! Should I Declaw My Cat?
Vet Info: Declawing
View on Declawing
Soft Paws - Declawing Alternative

Take a visit to the The Declaw Hall of Shame - A listing of Veterinarians who actively promote declawing.

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