GRAPHICS This is a graphics-intensive site. Your patience, while loading, is appreciated. Search this site! powered by FreeFind Thanks to all of the sites listed below for our backgrounds, borders, graphics and calling cards. Sorry I can't put the logos on the individual pages due to slow loading time. I suggest that everyone visit the sites listed below to see the beautiful work done by these dedicated individuals: Some backgrounds and graphics. Thanks, Nancy, for designing my original site and especially for your tutoring in HTML and your never-ending patience.Nancy's Web Page Design My personal calling cards were made by Ms. Rhett B. Let her personalize one for you today.Ms Rhett B's Friendship Page Glenda Moore has the "department store" of backgrounds, borders and graphics. This is a site not to be missed. Please check it out before you design your next webpage. Thanks, Agnieszka, of Cats 'N Kittens for the personally-customized graphic of the dancing Bratcats. Most of my borders and backgrounds are from Agnieszka's site. A veritable smorgasbord of graphics;simply fabulous. Please be sure to visit and sign her guestbook. Love the new "Meet The BratCats" banner, Belinda. Belinda has a small but neat collection of graphics and her designs are very unique. See the background and banner she created for The Green Mountain Humane Society. Check it out! Lisa Kelly has designed The Wow Meow Award and the original Keeper Of The Stars Award. She also designed the background seen on both of our Furfriends pages. Rainbow Background created by Ginny Gintz of The BratCats Navigational Pull Down Menu Won't you please take a few minutes to sign our guestbook. Thank you.
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