The following are the inswers to the CAT word quiz, in order, starting from the top:
CAT_ _ _ _ _ _: a violent geological change - CATACLYSM
CAT_ _: to provide for and service - CATER
CAT_ _ _ _ _: a medical device used to drain body cavities - CATHETER
CAT_ _ _ _ _ _: a condition of suspended animation - CATALEPSY
CAT_ _ _: domesticated bovines - CATTLE
CAT_: a dainty choice food - CATE
CAT_ _ _ _: post nasal drip - CATARRH
CAT_ _: to seize - CATCH
CAT_ _ _: a seasoned tomato puree - CATSUP
CAT_ _ _ _ _ _: duel hulled boat - CATAMARAN
CAT_ _ _ _ _: a substance that enables a chemical reaction - CATALYST
CAT_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _: 'baby' butterfly - CATERPILLAR
CAT_ _: spiteful - CATTY
CAT_ _ _: a positively charged ion - CATION
CAT_ _ _ _: a narrow access, as along a bridge - CATWALK
CAT_ _ _ _ _: belonging to a general class - CATEGORY
CAT_ _ _ _ _ _: an emotional cleansing - CATHARSIS
CAT_ _ _ _ _: belonging to the church of Rome - CATHOLIC
CAT_ _ _ _ _: A bishop's official throne - CATHEDRA
CAT_ _ _ _: an electron emitting electrode - CATHODE
CAT_ _ _: a short light sleep - CATNAP
CAT_ _ _ _ _: a device than hurls missiles - CATAPULT
CAT_ _ _ _ _ _ _: climax of a play - CATASTASIS
CAT_ _ _ _ _: subterannean cemetary - CATACOMB
CAT_ _ _ _ _ _: a list of like things - CATALOGUE
CAT_ _ _ _ _: a clouding of the lens - CATARACT
CAT_ _ _ _ _: a harsh cry - CATAWAUL
CAT_ _ _ _ _ _: a sheriff's deputy - CATCHPOLE
CAT_ _ _ _: a connected series of like things - CATENA
CAT_ _ _ _ _: a place of ill repute - CATHOUSE
CAT_ _ _: member of the mint family that felines adore - CATNIP
CAT_ _ _: a type of flower that precedes leaves in certain trees, such as poplar - CATKIN
CAT_ _ _ _: having feline qualities CATTISH
CAT_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _: a raised structure on which a coffin rests - CATAFALQUE
CAT_ _ _ _: a concentration of emotional energy upon an object - CATHEXIS
CAT_ _ _ _ _ _: pertaining to mirrors - CATOPTRIC