The music playing on this page is"Can You Feel The Love Tonight" We Love Our Pets Webring! This ring is for people who LOVE their pets, so anyone with pets (any kind of pets as long as they are real live pets, NO cyber pets PLEASE) are welcome to join this ring! Your page must contain NO Nudity or Violence or Abuse of Animals or Children and NO Adult links or Profanity other words it must be family oriented. If you are an AOL subscriber, please be sure to go to MEMBERS - PREFERENCE - WWW and select "uncompressed graphic", this is VERY IMPORTANT. That way when you upload the graphics they will be viewable by all, and not just AOL subscribers. I will not enter sites that have no visible graphics! If you do not do this your graphics will look fine to you, but NON-AOL subscribers will not see them. You must save the graphic to your own server and copy and paste the ring code to your page; it does not have to be on the main page but must be the page you list here, (the ONLY exception to this will be if your pages are framed, you must have a clear and visible link to your webring page)! Once you have applied, you will be sent the HTML code to put on your page. If you have any problems just email Ringmistress and I'll be glad to help you.After the ring is on your page let me know by email and I will get back to you as soon as possible.Make sure you include the address of the page the ring is on (remember the page you put the ring on is the page everyone will come to when surfing the ring), so you might want to put it on your main page. Submit a site to The We Love Our Pets Webring Site Title: Site URL: Site Owner: EMail Address: Password: Keywords: Site Description: This is what your ring should look like when it is up on your page: This We Love Our Pets Webring site is owned by We Love Our Pets Webring Homepage. Previous 5 Sites| Previous | Next Next 5 Sites | Random | List | Join Edit Your Information Or Get Your HTML Code Here: Site ID # Password The BratCats Navigational Pull Down Menu Won't you please take a few minutes to sign our guestbook. Thank you. Ring Graphic designed by Belinda Sauro of BMK Designs