The music playing onthis page is "Alleycat" Why Cats Are Better Than People Or, the More People I Meet, the More I Love My Cat(Written by Glenda Moore of Catstuff) Cats aren't threatened by a woman with short hair, or a man with long hair. Cats don't care if you're gay or straight. Cats don't care what religion you are. Cats don't care whether you're a conservative or a liberal. Cats aren't threatened if you earn more than they do. Cats do not care whether you shave your lets. It's ok if a cat rubs up against your best friend. Cats don't have problems expressing affection in public. Cats don't need to wear the latest designer fashions. Cats don't care if you wear the same t-shirt and shorts for days on end. Cats won't drink beer and pass out on the bathroom floor. Cats do not read at the table, or cut out the coupons before you've read that page Cats don't brag about whom they have slept with. Cats don't correct your stories. Light petting is always enough to satisfy a cat. Cats won't complain if youdon't make the bed or do the dusting. You don't have to worry about the toilet seat being left up. Cats don't criticize your friends. Cats don't feel threatened by your intelligence. You don't have to wonder if the cat is lying to you. Cats don't make up stories about how big the fish was. Cats don't make a practice of killing their own species. Cats don't mind if you do all the driving. You don't have to live in fear that the cat will hit you. Cats don't step on the imaginary brake. Cats don't weigh down your purse with their stuff. Cats (almost) always hit the litterbox. Cats seldom interfere with other people's rights. Cats don't care if you're a few pounds overweight. Your cat usually won't leave you for another human. You don't have to worry that your cat will do drugs or join a gang. Cats won't take permanent possession of the TV remote control. Search this site! powered by FreeFind The BratCats Navigational Pull Down Menu Won't you please take a few minutes to sign our guestbook. Thank you. Background by Catnip Calico Design Studio Cat image by Cats 'n Kittens Designs Webpage design by Maxine Hellman
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