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"Living On Love"

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The BratCats, their webmistress, Maxine Hellman, Tripod, Lycos, and all of their sponsors, assume no responsibility for any information printed in this section. This section is for information purposes only and is not a substitute for ongoing professional veterinary care. Furthermore, the information contained herein is subject to interpretation, and the evaluation of an animal's medical condition should be performed by a trained veterinarian before any medical decisions are made. It must also be noted that veterinary medicine is a rapidly-developing field and that the information contained herein may not be completely up to date. The BratCats, their webmistress, Maxine Hellman, Tripod, Lycos, and all of their sponsors, shall not be liable to any person(s) whatsoever for any damages, or equivalencies, or by reason of any misstatement or error, negligent or otherwise, obtained from this site.


Cushing's Syndrome is the result of a group of symptoms observed when the body is exposed to excess cortisone ("Cortisol") or related hormones over an extended period of time. Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands (which are located atop the kidneys). Cortisol is stored in the adrenal gland and released under stressful conditions, where it helps the body prepare for threatening encounters. There are several mechanisms, adrenal and pituitary, which can lead to Cushing's Syndrome and it is imperative to determine which one is causing the condition because each cause is treated differently.

There are quite a few symptoms associated with Cushing's Syndrome (also known as "hyperadrenocorticism". This disorder affects both cats and dogs and the symptoms are very similar for both species. These symptoms appear very gradually and it is very easy to think they are part of the normal aging process! Listed below is a list of common symptoms:

It is very interesting to note that 80% of cats with Cushing's Syndrome develop diabetes mellitus. Diabetes in a cat with Cushing's is very hard to treat unless the Cushing's is under controlled.

When a cat is brought to the veterinarian for a health problem, the veterinarian will first put together a health profile of your pet, usually in the form of a blood workup and urinalysis/culture. The results of the blood workup and urinalysis will be noted and added to the list of observed symptoms. If Cushing's is suspected, your veterinarian will be looking for the following:

Listed below are some of the tests necessary to diagnose/confirm the presence of Cushing's Syndrome:

  • The Low Dose Dexamethasone Suppression Test

  • The ACTH Stim Test

  • The Urine Cortisol/Creatinine Ratio

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[ Cushing's Syndrome ] [ Hyperthyroidism ] [ Anal Sacs ] [ Arthritis ]
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