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"Living On Love"

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The BratCats, their webmistress, Maxine Hellman, Tripod, Lycos, and all of their sponsors, assume no responsibility for any information printed in this section. This section is for information purposes only and is not a substitute for ongoing professional veterinary care. Furthermore, the information contained herein is subject to interpretation, and the evaluation of an animal's medical condition should be performed by a trained veterinarian before any medical decisions are made. It must also be noted that veterinary medicine is a rapidly-developing field and that the information contained herein may not be completely up to date. The BratCats, their webmistress, Maxine Hellman, Tripod, Lycos, and all of their sponsors, shall not be liable to any person(s) whatsoever for any damages, or equivalencies, or by reason of any misstatement or error, negligent or otherwise, obtained from this site.

        ANAL SACS

Anal sacs/glands are two small glands just inside your cat's anus. The secretion from these glands is very thick and foul smelling.

Domestic animals seem to have lost their ability to empty these anal sacs. Walking around and normal defecation serves to empty the glands but some become unable to empty their glands on their own. The sacs become impacted and extremely uncomfortable. Cats often lick the fur off just under their tails.

Your veterinarian, his technician(s), or your groomer can empty your cat's anal glands. Occasionally, this procedure has to be done more than once to bring on relief. Unless your cat's health care provided has demonstrated how this is done, it is not a good idea to attempt it on your own. If an impacted sac does not get emptied, an abscess can form and rupture out through the skin. This is a very painful, messy and smelly condition that can often be mistaken for rectal bleeding! Anal sac abscesses will be treated by your veterinarian, who will administer antibiotics. If your pet has recurring anal sac problems, your veterinarian might bring up the subject of permanently removing these glands.

[ Diseases & Disorders Index ] [ Feline Hip Dysplasia ] [ Diabetes ]
[ Cushing's Syndrome ] [ Hyperthyroidism ] [ Anal Sacs ] [ Arthritis ]
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